Touch Counter

About The Project

In this project, we will learn how to increment a counter each time the touch sensor is activated and print the count to the Serial Monitor.

Touch Sensor

The TTP223-1 is a capacitive touch sensor module used to detect touch input. When touched, its output pin goes HIGH; otherwise, the output remains LOW.

Circuit Wiring

Program Code

// counting number of touches
const int touchPin = 2;  
// Pin connected to the touch sensor module
int touchCount = 0;      
// Variable to count the number of touches
int lastTouchState = LOW; 
// Variable to store the last state of the touch sensor

void setup() 
  // Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud rate
  pinMode(touchPin, INPUT); 
  // Set the touch pin as an input

void loop() 
  int touchState = digitalRead(touchPin); 
  // Read the current state of the touch sensor
  // Check if the touch sensor state has changed from LOW to HIGH
  if (touchState == HIGH && lastTouchState == LOW) {
    // Increment the touch count
    Serial.print("Touch count: ");
    // Print the touch count to the Serial Monitor
  // Update the last touch state
  lastTouchState = touchState;
  // Small delay to debounce the sensor

Code Explanation

const int touchPin = 2;  
// Pin connected to the touch sensor module

int touchCount = 0;      
// Variable to count the number of touches

int lastTouchState = LOW; 
// Variable to store the last state of the touch sensor
  • touchPin: Specifies that the touch sensor is connected to digital pin 2 of the Arduino.
  • touchCount: An integer variable to keep track of the number of touches detected.
  • lastTouchState: An integer variable to store the previous state of the touch sensor, initialized to LOW.
void setup() 
  // Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud rate

  pinMode(touchPin, INPUT); 
  // Set the touch pin as an input
  • Serial.begin(9600);: Initializes serial communication at a baud rate of 9600 bits per second, allowing the Arduino to communicate with the Serial Monitor.
  • pinMode(touchPin, INPUT);: Configures the touchPin as an input pin to read the state of the touch sensor.
void loop() 
  int touchState = digitalRead(touchPin); 
  // Read the current state of the touch sensor
  • digitalRead(touchPin);: Reads the current state of the touch sensor pin. If the sensor is touched, it returns HIGH; otherwise, it returns LOW.
  // Check if the touch sensor state has changed from LOW to HIGH
  if (touchState == HIGH && lastTouchState == LOW) {
    // Increment the touch count

    Serial.print("Touch count: ");
    // Print the touch count to the Serial Monitor
  • The if statement checks if the touch sensor state has changed from LOW to HIGH, indicating a touch event.
  • If a touch is detected, touchCount++ increments the touch count.
  • Serial.print(“Touch count: “); and Serial.println(touchCount); print the updated touch count to the Serial Monitor.
  // Update the last touch state
  lastTouchState = touchState;

  // Small delay to debounce the sensor
  • lastTouchState = touchState;: Updates the last touch state to the current state to detect changes in the next loop iteration.
  • delay(100);: Adds a 100-millisecond delay to debounce the sensor and prevent multiple counts from a single touch.

Try Yourself

Modify the program code to count up to 10 with each touch. When the count reaches 10, it should count down to 0.

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